Daily Uplift 2/25/25

Feb 25, 2025

The God of the Turnaround

Elohim's (God's) heart is always inclined towards restoration and renewal. Even when we've strayed far from His path, He eagerly awaits our return. The prophet Joel reminds us that our Elohim (God) is "gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love." Today, reflect on areas in your life where you wandered from Elohim's (God's) best for you. Are there "locusts" - habits, attitudes, or relationships - that are consuming what Elohim (God) intends to bless? Take heart in knowing that Elohim (God) is ready to not only forgive, but relent the punishment you are due, and who knows, maybe He will even bless you when we turn back to Him with sincere hearts. Consider what genuine repentance looks like in your life today. How can you demonstrate your commitment to turning back to God?


Joel 2:12-14, 18-19 Names of God Bible

The Lord Invites the People to Return to Him

12 “But even now,” declares Yahweh,

  “return to me with all your heart—

    with fasting, crying, and mourning.”

13 Tear your hearts, not your clothes.

  Return to Yahweh your Elohim.

    He is merciful and compassionate,

      patient, and always ready to forgive

        and to change his plans about disaster.

14 Who knows?

  He may reconsider and change his plan

    and leave a blessing for you.

  Then you could give grain offerings and wine offerings

    to Yahweh your Elohim.

Then Yahweh became concerned about his land,

  and he had pity on his people.

19 Yahweh said to his people,

  “I am going to send grain, new wine, and olive oil to you.

    You will be satisfied with them.

      I will no longer make you a disgrace among the nations.